How can they…?

I was just thinking about Robin Williams’ recent suicide, and how sad it is that he had no one, apparently, to talk him through this final depression. No one that he really believed loved him for himself, not for his jokes, or acting, or whatever. Just for himself.

Then I thought about the Middle East and the terrorists, suicide bombers, and child slaughterers we are hearing about every day. I thought, “How can they do this day-after-day to fellow human beings?” They can do it because they have spent their entire lives being taught not to love, having no one, it seems, who truly loves them. They fear their “god” Allah, a being who tells them to hate, hate, hate, kill, kill, kill through the teachers they sit under all day every day as children.

They have no God who tells them to love Him, each other, their neighbors, and their enemies. They have no God Who took on the flesh of His enemy, degenerate mankind, and taught them what love is. No one who died to show them how much He loves them. No God who promised to dwell within their very being, the Holy Spirit, to help them to love and to accept love.

They are, of all men, to be most pitied. The only possible way for them to change the way they live in this world is to pray that Satan is defeated and they can hear the voice of the Triune God calling them to Himself through the Christians among them and the copies of the Word of God that they confiscate. I am actually going to start praying that the Bibles they attempt to destroy will refuse to be destroyed. That they will be invincible at the hands of the Enemy. I am going to pray that those they try to murder will stand up and rebuke those attempts. These poor, lost creatures need to see the power of our Mighty God at work before their eyes.

I hope you will join me, and that an army of God’s people will begin to cry out for conversions by the hundreds, and that those who will not listen will run in terror for their lives. When we join our prayers with the voices of the Angel Armies, then the God of Angel Armies will surely have a mighty victory.