Words of Utmost Importance to All

The Bible, God’s Word to mankind, states in no uncertain terms that the ONLY way to heaven is through belief in the atoning Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I know that sounds “unfair” to many of you. But is it?

The dwelling place of God, heaven, is the absolutely sinless abode of the absolutely pure and sinless God. He certainly has the right to determine who lives in His house, doesn’t He? Scripture says that ALL have sinned and fall short of His glory. Can you deny this? Do you know anyone, including yourself, who has lived an absolutely perfect and sin free life. I can only think of one – Jesus Himself, perfect Son of God and son of man.

An analogy: You have an absolutely gorgeous house. It is white, glass, and gold throughout and spotlessly clean. You have invited everyone who wants to join you to come for an elaborate dinner gala. With your invitation, you sent each person brand new clothes and shoes that you require them to put on as you arrive in the portico of your house, so that your home will remain immaculate. Some of the people come with only their own clothes, a few of them with muddy shoes and hands. They tell you that you don’t have a right to determine what they wear to your party, and you should let them in as they are. Do you have a right to refuse entry? Of course you do.

Now. Since none of us are perfect, none of us have the right to enter heaven. However, God’s perfect Son, Jesus Christ, chose to come to earth and pay the penalty for our sins. He suffered the insult of poverty compared to His heavenly realm and reign. He suffered the insult of the religious leaders who should have known the scriptures well enough to recognize Him. He suffered the agony and horror of the worst type of death ever devised by mankind – crucifixion. He was buried in a borrowed tomb. BUT He raised back to life on the third day and was seen by hundreds of people before He returned to His heavenly home and sat at the right hand of His Father.

Our only requirement is to admit our sin and accept His payment on our behalf. Another analogy: You have been involved in a theft and are standing trial. It turns out the victim of your crime is the judge. You are sentenced to repay the debt fourfold. You have no way of doing that and will surely go to prison for the rest of your life. Suddenly a voice comes through the courtroom, “I’ll pay the fine, Father. Let this man go free.” It is the son of the judge, and your punishment is ended. Would you accept that offer, or say, “I don’t need your help? I’ll do it myself?” I think you would rejoice greatly at the mercy shown to you.

So to get to heaven, we only have to repent, accept the gift of Jesus, and receive eternal life. That’s it. Nothing more.

If you want proof that this is what the Bible says, Read John 14:6 and Acts 4:12.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

Then respond with a contrite and grateful heart. God does not accept you based on what you have or have not thought or done in the past. He only receives you into His family based on your acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

I beg all of you to take this seriously. If you’re reading this, there is a good chance I know you. I don’t want anyone I know to spend eternity apart from God. You do not have to “clean up your life.” You do not have to read the Bible cover to cover. All you need is to take Jesus seriously and lean on Him for your salvation. I love you all. But not nearly as much as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit love you. If you want to talk to someone, call the pastor of a good Bible believing church in your area, or call me, and we can chat. God bless you as you make this eternal life giving decision.

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